Coronavirus Reel

(music = Dashing White Sergeant or 32 Bar Reels)

3 couples in a 3 couple set
In keeping with the mood of the moment – No hands given during dance!

1-8. 1st and 3rd couples dance double figures of eight around 2nd couple. (1st and 3rd couple act like spraying disinfectant in the air.
9-16. Circle six hands round and back (no hands given symbolizing what do we do next)
17-24. Grand Chain for 3 couples. (No hands given – aka proverbial run around)
25-32. 1st couple dance down the middle and up to 3rd place (nearer hands not joined) with 2nd and 3rd couples stepping up on 31-32 while they simulate washing their hands.
Repeat from new positions twice more
(No hands being given at all during dance and no touching your face!)